Jerking the Golden Cord

Today in history, it rained for about an hour. Contrary to what you may have been told, It's not always sunny in Philadelphia, although it is true that it seldom rains here. The weather people on the TV always pretend we're about to have a tempest, but, for the last ten years or so, anything less than the mightiest of storm fronts invariably splits in two while passing over the Appalachian Mountains, with one half heading well south of the city and the other half beelining for New York. A storm actually hitting Center City is rare and quite welcome (by me, anyway).

Yesterday in history, someone took a few shots with a rifle at presidential candidate DJT. I don't have a lot of feelings about that. Garfield1, Lincoln, RFK, JFK, Reagan, Lennon... The United States has a long history of assassinations and assassination attempts. The Great Experiment of American Democracy was founded upon a bedrock of political violence, with the means of our own torment and ultimate self-destruction codified in the Constitution itself.

I would prefer it if we could all get along well enough despite our disagreements, but at the moment, people seem to think it's more fun to be miserable shits about anything and everything because it gains them internet likes and a sense of belonging online. Meet your friends.2 You might not like them.

  1. President James A. Garfield, not the lasagna cat. ↩︎

  2. The internet is not real life. I know it can feel like it is, but that's an illusion intentionally crafted by attention merchants3 to encourage you to keep staring at your screen so they can sell your eyes and mind to advertisers and data brokers. (I worked on CMCSA's Privacy program for 4 years. Trust me on this one. I'm a bona fide expert on the subject.) ↩︎

  3. Tim Wu on The Attention Merchants ↩︎

For What It's Worth