There's a Reasonable Explanation Around Here Someplace
This evening, as I threaded my way through the busy downtown streets of Philadelphia, I spotted a lizard person exiting one of the posher professional buildings. I know. I know. Lizard people aren't real. Truth be told, even if I did believe in lizard people, I still have no reason to think this person was a reptoid, per se. He looked like a typical middle-aged, white guy professional. Extremely tall, short mustache and beard, grey curls, and well-dressed in what I took to be an authentic Burberry coat. Wholly unremarkable in that part of town until he did the thing with his eyes.
There was a pile-up of foot traffic in front of the door he was exiting. It blocked his path. Mine too. It was annoying. I expect he was irritated by it as well because, for a brief moment, his eyes shifted and changed shape, growing exceedingly large, circular, and shiny black all over. And his eyelids didn't fit right. They were very loose. You'd think they'd be stretched taut by the bigger eyes, but instead, they were floppy. Then everything sort of schlurped back into place, and his eyes were regular again.
If you blinked a few times, you'd have missed it, but it wasn't so fast that you could mistake it. More than a couple of us stopped to stare as he disappeared into the crowd. We exchanged conspiratorial glances between us and then returned to the relative safety of consensus reality in which none of that happened. I honestly have no idea what we all agreed we never saw, but it was... peculiar.
Happy Halloween,
Fellow Humans!!!