Understanding Javascript Shallow Copy Behavior

Last modified: 
Friday, July 27th, 2018

These are my notes on Javascript's behavior when creating copies of objects with the ES6 spread operator (myCopy = {...myOriginal}), Object.assign({}, myOriginal), and destructuring (const {var1, var2, var3} = myOriginal). The most recent version of these notes will be on JSBin at https://Erik-Codeblind.jsbin.com/wexikur/edit?js,console . I'm keeping this big hunk here to make it easier for people to find.


This is a demonstration of what a "shallow copy" means in JavaScript. 

It is intended to show some gotchas when destructuring and copying
data structures in the name of immutability.


// This is the source object we will create our copies from. 
const x = {
  num: 1,
  bool: true,
  fruit: 'banana',
  data: [1, 2, 3, 4],
  obj: {
    color: 'red',
    moreData: ['a', 'b', 'c']
  func: function() {
    return 'original function';

// y.data and y.obj will be references shared by x, y, z, and za.
const y = {...x};

// z.data and z.obj will also be references shared by x, y, z, and za.
const z = Object.assign({}, y);

// za.data and za.obj are references shared by x, y, z, and za.
const za = {
  num: x.num,
  bool: x.bool,
  fruit: y.fruit,
  data: z.data,
  color: x.obj.color,
  moreData: x.obj.moreData

// zb.data is a copy of x.data with its own space in memory.
// It is not shared by any of our other objects.
const zb = {
  data: [...x.data]

// Don't let the fact we're setting variables inside objects 
// confuse you. Any variable assigned directly to an array or 
// object is only a reference.
const zc = x.data;

// Destructuring x still results in data being a reference.
const {data} = x;

// When the value of a function return is a reference, it's a reference!
function getXData() {
  return x.data;

// xData is a reference to x.data and it's value will
// change if x.data is modified, even if we never 
// again call the getXData() function.
const xData = getXData(); 

// Generate a section header.
const sec = name => {
  name = (name.length % 2 == 0) ? name : name + ' ';
  const pad = '/'.repeat((45 - name.length) / 2);
  const str = `${pad} ${name.toUpperCase()} ${pad}`; 

// Strings, Numbers, Booleans, and Functions are copied completely.

// x.fruit, z.fruit, and za.fruit will not be modified because they
// each have their own unique memory spaces.
y.fruit = 'apple';

console.log(x.fruit); // => banana 
console.log(y.fruit); // => apple
console.log(z.fruit); // => banana
console.log(za.fruit); // => banana

sec('More Strings');
// You can change any of them without mutating the others.
z.fruit = 'pear';
za.fruit = 'cherry';
x.fruit = 'peach';

console.log(x.fruit); // => peach 
console.log(y.fruit); // => apple
console.log(z.fruit); // => pear
console.log(za.fruit); // => cherry

// The same is true for numbers and booleans.
z.num = 2;

console.log(x.num); // => 1 
console.log(y.num); // => 1
console.log(z.num); // => 2
console.log(za.num) // => 1

za.bool = false;

console.log(x.bool); // => true 
console.log(y.bool); // => true
console.log(z.bool); // => true
console.log(za.bool) // => false

// And also for function definitions.
sec('Function Definitions')
y.func = () => 'overloaded function';

console.log(x.func()); // => original function
console.log(y.func()); // => overloaded function
console.log(z.func()); // => original function

// Arrays and Objects are not copied to a new memory 
// location, only their pointers are copied.

// We previously set xData using the return value of getXData(),
// but this will change, even if we never call getXData() again.
sec('xData Start Value');
console.log(xData); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]

// Updating y.data also updates x, z, za, and zc because only
// the pointer has been copied. All these objects are literally sharing 
// the same exact array in memory.
sec('Arrays Are References');
y.data.push('shared memory allocation');

console.log(x.data); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, "shared allocation in memory"]
console.log(y.data); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, "shared allocation in memory"]
console.log(z.data); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, "shared allocation in memory"]
console.log(za.data); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, "shared allocation in memory"]
console.log(zc); // console.log(za.data); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, "shared allocation in memory"]

// Note that destructuring `{data} = x` still results in a pointer.
sec('Destructuring Will Not Save You');
console.log(data); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, "shared allocation in memory"]

// It doesn't matter that we already assigned a value to xData, because the 
// return value of getXData() was a reference.
sec('xData Is a Reference!');
console.log(xData); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, "shared allocation in memory"]

// zb.data, on the other hand, was created by using spread on the 
// array to create a copy, so it is not be mutated by changes to
// original array. (See note below.)
sec('Copy With Spread');
console.log(zb.data); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]

// Note that if the x.data array had contained objects or arrays, those
// items would be references themselves. 

// You can test whether two arrays (or objects) point to the same
// reference by using the strict equality operator (===). 
sec('Strict Equality Checks');
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

console.log(xData === x.data); // => true
console.log([1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3]); // => false
console.log(zb.data === arr) // => false

// Comparing that two arrays are identical in content and order
console.log(JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3]) === JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3])); // => true
console.log(JSON.stringify(zb.data) === JSON.stringify(arr)); // => true

// Reference behavior is the same for objects...
sec('Objects are References');
x.obj.color = 'blue';

console.log(x.obj.color); // => blue
console.log(y.obj.color); // => blue
console.log(z.obj.color); // => blue

// x.obj.color resolves to a string, so we get
// a new memory allocation at za.color!
console.log(za.color); // => red 

sec('And So On...')
// x.obj.moreData resolves to an array, so the pointer is shared.
za.moreData.push('and so on, and so on...');

console.log(x.obj.moreData); // => ["a", "b", "c", "and so on, and so on..."]
console.log(y.obj.moreData); // => ["a", "b", "c", "and so on, and so on..."]
console.log(z.obj.moreData); // => ["a", "b", "c", "and so on, and so on..."]
console.log(za.moreData); // => ["a", "b", "c", "and so on, and so on..."]

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