Let's Have a Day

Saturday begins moody and grey with a soothing drizzle. It would be most pleasant if it weren't for the honking of car horns and people shouting about nothing every five to ten minutes.

I have the next four days off, and aside from tidying up the apartment real quick and watering the plants, there is not much else I need to do, so I'm starting the weekend lazy and slow. I lay around in bed for nearly two hours this morning, watching stupid videos and reading the comments underneath. Two hours! I can't say I recommend it. I should read more books.

Eventually, I hiked it all the way to the kitchen to make tea. From there it was a short trek to the living room chair by the window, where I drank the tea and worked on photos from last night. I'm trying to get more nightlife photography back into my routine. It's hard, though, because I'm inclined to be in bed by nine thirty or ten most nights.

I have family in town for the weekend. I should visit. The original plan was to find a local restaurant with outdoor seating for three to five people for late lunch, but, with no warning, things suddenly changed to arranging brunch for nine people with tight schedules on a rainy morning during a COVID surge. I don't think I'm going to do that, but I should still visit.

Plans have suddenly changed once more. Some people can't make it now, and there is a tent or something outside. I've decided not to try keeping up. Some folks get a kick out of arranging gatherings, reveling in making plans, coming up with options for venues, negotiating, making offers and counteroffers, and generally wallowing in thoroughly contrived anxiety and stress over a $40 plate of cold eggs and dry pancakes. It's not for me, but I should still visit.

Anyhow, to the shower.

N'Emmenes Pas Harry