Working With Numbers in Python

Last modified: 
Friday, May 1st, 2015


Some notes on working with numbers in python.


# Exponents
print 2 ** 3 # 2^3 = 8
print 10 ** 10 # 10^10 = 10000000000
print 3 ** 101 # 3^101 = 1546132562196033993109383389296863818106322566003 (Python 2.7)

Precision of Repr As-Code Versus String

The value of 3.1415 * 9 is returned with extended precision (as seen from a terminal).

>>> 3.1415 * 9 

This format is called repr as-code.

The string value when passed through print is truncated.

>>> print 3.1415 * 9

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