Javascript apply, call, bind

Last modified: 
Thursday, April 6th, 2017

Apply, Call, Bind

Both call and apply execute the lefthand function as though it were a member of the context, where, args...). The only difference is call takes comma separated args, and apply accepts an array.

var a = { age: 20 };
var b = { age: 30 };

function multiplyAddDivide(i, j, k) {
  return (this.age * i + j) / k; 

var callA =, 2, 5, 5); 
console.log(callA); // 9

var callB =, 2, 5, 5); 
console.log(callB); // 13

var applyA = multiplyAddDivide.apply(a, [2, 5, 5]);
console.log(applyA); // 9

var applyB = multiplyAddDivide.apply(b, [2, 5, 5]);
console.log(applyB); // 13

Bind is similar to call, but it returns a function bound to the context where lefthandFunction.bind(context).

var boundMultiplyAddDivideA = multiplyAddDivide.bind(a);
console.log(boundMultiplyAddDivideA(2, 5, 5)); // 9

var boundMultiplyAddDivideB = multiplyAddDivide.bind(b);
console.log(boundMultiplyAddDivideB(2, 5, 5)); // 13

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