List Python Variables

Last modified: 
Sunday, March 29th, 2015

How to list all variables in a Python script

#! /usr/bin/env python
# @file

# Set FTP connection variables.
dbname        = 'DBNAME';
username      = 'USERNAME'
password      = 'PASSWORD'
host          = 'LOCALHOST'

for name in dir():
    myvalue = eval(name)
    print name, "is", type(name), "and is equal to ", myvalue

Returns something like this (sorry, but one of my input filters is mangling this output)...

__builtins__ is  and is equal to  
__doc__ is  and is equal to  None
__file__ is  and is equal to  ./
__name__ is  and is equal to  __main__
__package__ is  and is equal to  None
dbname is  and is equal to  DBNAME
host is  and is equal to  LOCALHOST
password is  and is equal to  PASSWORD
username is  and is equal to  USERNAME

Enumerate or list all variables in a program of {your favorite language here}

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