Python Classes and Objects

Last modified: 
Friday, May 1st, 2015

Basic Class and Subclass Syntax

__metaclass__ = type # use new style classes

class Artist:
    def setName(self, name):
        'Set the artist name.' # A doc string callable at Artist.setName.__doc__ = name
    def getName(self):
    def introduction(self):
        print "%s is an artist!" %

# Create a subclass for sculptors.
class Sculptor(Artist):
    'Sculptor is a subclass of Artist'
    def introduction(self):
        'Overrides Artist.introduction()'
        print "%s is a sculptor!" %

artist = Artist() # Create an instance of an artist
artist.setName('Vincent van Gogh') # Set name to Vincent van Gogh
print artist.getName() # Print to screen: Vincent van Gogh
artist.introduction() # Print to screen: Vincent van Gogh is an artist!
print artist.setName.__doc__ # Print to screen: Set the artist name

sculptor = Sculptor()
print sculptor.__doc__ # Print to screen:Sculptor is a subclass of Artist
sculptor.setName('Constantin Brancusi') # Set name to Constantin Brancusi
sculptor.introduction() # Print to screen: Constantin Brancusi is a sculptor!

Multiple Inheritance

class Foo:
    def alpha(self):
        print 'One'

class Bar:
    def beta(self):
        print 'Two'

class Baz:

    def alpha(self):
        print 'Three'

class Qux(Foo, Bar): pass

''' Note Baz will override Foo because it comes first! '''
class Quux(Baz, Foo): pass

Q = Qux()
Q.alpha() # Print to screen: One
Q.beta() # Print to screen: Two

Q2 = Quux()
Q2.alpha() # Print to screen: Three

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