Python Static and Class Methods

Last modified: 
Friday, May 1st, 2015

Notes on creating static and class methods in Python using decorators.

class Boomba:

  def Roombie(self):
    I am a regular method. If you try to call me unbound, I'll throw a fit.
    s = 'Roombie'

  def Bimba(): 
    I am a static method. You can call me bound or unbound. I'm cool with it.
    Note that I have no self argument. My staticness is achieved by 
    using the with @staticmethod decorator.
    s = 'Bimba'
    printMessage() is called as a static method because Bimba() is a static method.
    This means there no self object to refer to when calling self.printMessage().
  def printMessage(cls, s):
    I am class method. I may only be accessed within this class or instances thereof.
    print 'Boomba %s## !' % s   

# Both bound methods behave normally.
b = Boomba()

# Fails with the following error:
# TypeError: unbound method Roombie() must be called with Boomba instance as 
# first argument (got nothing instead)
# Boomba.Roombie()

# But this static method totally works fine.

# Class methods can be called as static methods...
s = 'Patoo'

# ...or as bound methods.
s = 'Hibbity'

class Ipso(Boomba):
  I works fine, which makes a person wonder about Python's implementation
  of class methods. I seem more protected than private.
  def Odd(self):
    s = 'Faloon'

ips = Ipso()

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