Julia Rising
I would not and did not think such a thing possible. After a few days spent out of the heat, sipping Powerade, and recuperating on the windowsill, Julia Flutter flutters once more. She may have a bit of a limp (if one can be said to fly with a limp, which from the looks of it one can), but otherwise, she seems fine even with her damaged wing.
I opened the window and off she went. Not very far, I guess. She flew into the foliage of the tree in front of my apartment. There she may or may not have been devoured by a gang of sparrows. I'm not sure. I wandered off to make dinner. When I returned, there were some sparrows squabbling in a different section of the tree. They do that a lot. It's a tree, and they're birds. Quarrelsome birds, at that.
It was probably nothing. On the other hand, life is hilariously cruel. Let's all pretend she lives happily ever after for a few days more. Butterflies aren't around long.